I must say that I am very disappointed. The weather man said that in my area we would be getting 4-6 inches of snow. It turned out that we had some slight snow fall and ended up with 1/4" of snow. I LOVE SNOW! My Husband and I were so upset that there was hardly anything. weird? I know that the majority of people probably think I'm nuts, but thats ok. lol. What I think is the funniest thing is how when anyone hears there will be a chance of snow, they charge to the supermarket (myself included). We went on Friday thinking we would just get a few things in case we were snowed in. We must have had about 20 things in our cart and waited on a line to pay for a good half hour. This morning I said to myself, everyone went crazy because the weatherman said we would have a substantial amount, where is it??? I need to move to Alaska!
This is where I want to be:
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